Transmission Service
Automatic & Manual Transmission & Clutch Repair
When you notice that you are having issues with your transmission or clutch, it is very important to have it checked as soon as possible. Many times you can prevent a minor problem from becoming a major repair. We’ve found that many times a simple transmission service, clutch adjustment or sensor replacement can solve your transmission shifting problems, and avoid more costly repairs.
Using the latest in state-of-the-art technology, we will install a safe and effective cleaner to suspend harmful varnish and sludge from the transmission valve body, torque converter and lines and install new high-tech fluid with conditioners.
Just like your engine, you should have your transmission serviced regularly. When YOUR SHOP NAME services your transmission, we:
● Remove and inspect the pan.
● Clean or replace the screen.
● Clean the pan.
● Reinstall the pa.
● Install a new gasket.
● Replace old transmission fluid with new, high quality fluid.
● Make any additional needed changes and adjustments.
By replacing the old transmission fluid, it essentially gives your vehicle’s transmission new life. The new fluid restores your clutch’s holding power. This reduces slip and heat production. Additionally, flushing the old fluid gets rid of small bits of clutch material and metal shavings, which can damage your transmission by clogging passages and wedging themselves between moving parts. Getting rid of the old fluid reduces wear within the transmission. Replacing old fluid with new also provides better lubrication within the transmission, which boosts the holding ability of the transmission’s friction components. Improved lubrication also results in less heat. By decreasing friction and heat, your transmission will work better for a longer amount of time. A simple service can save you the money and time that come with a major transmission repair or replacement.
Signs that you may need to bring your vehicle in to be checked:
● fluid leaking.
● rough shifting.
● delayed engagement.
● high rpm’s or slipping.
● check engine or transmission light on (even if it turns off by itself).
● shudder feeling at highway speeds (feels like you are driving over rumble strips).
● other abnormal noises.
All of these can be signs of a developing transmission
problem. Bring your vehicle into our Service Center and
we will road test it and/or check for transmission fluid leaks,
and other problem signs.
In addition to transmission rebuilding we also do transfer
case repair and service, differential repair and service, and
clutch replacement service. We do automotive computer
diagnostic testing, find electrical problems, transmission
flushes, transmission service, and flywheel resurfacing.
Why you should Flush out your Transmission Fluid
Your transmission’s vital parts get clogged with sludge and varnish deposits because, just like engine oil in your car’s engine, automatic transmission fluid suffers from heat, friction and electrochemical degradation. In fact, nearly nine out of ten transmission failures are due to overheating and fluid contamination.*
However, unlike oil, which can be completely drained from your car’s engine, most transmission fluid cannot be drained. Instead it stays in the torque converter, valve body and transmission lines, making a complete fluid drain impossible. Typical transmission service removes only 25% of the contaminated transmission fluid. Adding new fluid to the remaining contaminated fluid can actually cause sludge and varnish deposits to clog filters and further restrict fluid flow. This can result in a serious malfunction or even complete failure of your automatic transmission.
Now you have an option. Our transmission fluid exchange safely removes most, if not all, contaminated fluid as well as varnish and sludge deposits. Our transmission fluid exchange cleans the transmission cooler and lines, valve body and torque converter and also removes those wear metals that slowly grind away your transmissions’ internal components. Our transmission fluid exchange thoroughly cleans your car’s transmission and protects it with fresh fluid and conditioners that revitalize the seals and o-rings. If your vehicle’s transmission is showing signs of contaminated fluid, slippage, rough or hard shifting, try this service. If its been more then 30,000 miles it’s time for a transmission fluid exchange. It may help you avoid the cost of major transmission work or even prevent the need for a new transmission.
Let one of our certified technicians perform this service for you.
*According to the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association
5 Signs Your Car Needs Clutch Repair
With standard transmission vehicles, many transmission problems can be traced to the clutch–the mechanism used to shift gears. The good news is that clutch repair is typically far less expensive than a full-blown transmission rebuild. The bad news is that clutch problems left unresolved can lead to more expensive repairs. A simple inspection by a trusted transmission shop can usually let you know whether your clutch needs repair work. Meanwhile, here are five signs or symptoms to watch out for.
1. Rough shifting – If you have trouble shifting gears or experience shaking of the car while shifting, it can be a sign of a worn clutch. In many cases, this is especially noticeable when putting the car into first gear or reverse.
2. Slipping clutch – If your car seems to lose power under heavy loads like acceleration or climbing hills, or if the engine RPMs go up without any increase in momentum, these are signs that the clutch is slipping – that is, having trouble engaging or disengaging the gears. Take the car to a certified transmission shop for a diagnosis.
3. Change in clutch pedal action – If you notice a change in the position of the clutch pedal when the gears engage or disengage, this can also indicate a worn clutch. Optimally, the clutch should engage when the pedal is 1-2 inches from the floor. If it engages with too little or too much movement of the pedal, or if the pedal feels soft or “spongy” when depressed, it’s likely you need clutch repair.
4. Burning odor – Clutches that are wearing out often produce friction, resulting in a foul, burning smell while driving. Don’t ignore this burning odor if you smell it and have the car looked at.
5. Unusual noise or jerking – Anytime your car jerks into gear with otherwise proper use of the clutch, it’s not a good sign. You may also hear unusual noises when shifting. These are indicators of possible oil or other contaminants on the clutch or gears. This may actually be occurring due to other vehicle issues, but without proper repairs, this can wear your clutch out more quickly.
Clutch Replacement Service
If you are experiencing difficulty in putting your vehicle in gear or are getting a grinding noise going into gear, or if the engine speed rises but the vehicle seems to have a lack of power you may need a clutch.Clutch replacement service involves removing the driveline and transmission to replace the clutch plate, pressure plate, throw-out bearing and pilot bearing. The flywheel is also removed and resurfaced on most vehicles for smooth clutch engagement.
Before we start any clutch repair, we give the clutch system a complete diagnosis. The clutch system has many different components, some of these components control the actual operation of the clutch. Often when clutch problems are experienced, they are
caused by the hydraulic system. Master clutch cylinders and clutch slave cylinders can start leaking and fail to operate the clutch mechanism properly causing the clutch not to disengage and therefore making it very difficult to shift gears. This is a much easier repair and most of the time substantially less costly. It is always wiser to address clutch problems early, as soon as you experience the first problem. Early detection could result in just an adjustment or a small repair, ultimately saving the more expensive components from premature wear.
more about transmissions …
Transmissions are heavy duty pieces of equipment that are designed to last a long time for most drivers. But like any other machine, they’ll eventually wear out and need repair. So let’s focus on what you can do to push that day off as far as possible.
The first thing you can do is to make sure your transmission always has enough fluid. Transmission fluid cools and lubricates the transmission. When there’s not enough fluid, the transmission will run hotter and wear out sooner.
The transmission fluid also provides the pressure needed to transfer power from the engine to the transmission. Not enough fluid, and your transmission won’t shift properly.
Our service center will check your transmission fluid level with a full service oil change and top it off if needed. If you see any transmission fluid on the driveway – it’s a reddish color – have us inspect it for a leak. A gasket, hose or seal could be leaking and may need to be repaired.
The next thing you can do to prolong the life of your transmission is to replace your transmission fluid on schedule. As you can imagine, all those gears grinding on each other result in lots of little bits of metal in the fluid. The more there is, the faster the transmission parts will wear out.
Transmission fluid also contains detergents and other additives to protect your transmission. These additives are depleted over time, so old fluid doesn’t protect as well as new fluid. Your owner’s manual or our service advisor will have a recommendation for when you should have a transmission service.
If your transmission isn’t shifting as smoothly as it should, or if you suspect a transmission leak, let our service center take a look at it. And ask if it’s time for a transmission service. Regular maintenance and taking care of small leaks right away will help your transmission last as long as possible.